
We use the latest regulatory technologies and practices to fight financial crime like money laundering, human and drug trafficking, and fraud globally. Check from the below job openings to find the one that fits your profile and fight financial crime with us!
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Larnaca, Cyprus
Posted 10 months ago

Are you a skilled and versatile professional looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of a leading regulatory technology software provider? Look no further! iSPIRAL ...

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Larnaca, Cyprus
Posted 12 months ago

Are you a skilled and versatile professional looking for an exciting opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of a leading regulatory technology software provider? Look no further! iSPIRAL ...

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Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

Excellent learning environment with great opportunities Are you a code-driven Full Stack Developer with great leadership skills? We are currently looking for passionate tech-loving Senior Full Stack D...

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Cyprus, Remote
Posted 2 years ago

Excellent learning environment with great opportunities Come work as a Junior Software Developer at a growing company that offers great benefits with opportunities to advance and learn alongside accom...

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Cyprus, Remote
Posted 2 years ago

Excellent learning environment with great opportunities Come work as a Business Support Officer at a growing company that offers great benefits with opportunities to advance and learning alongside acc...

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Full Time
Cyprus, Remote
Posted 2 years ago

Excellent learning environment with great opportunities Come work as a Human Resources Manager at a growing company that offers great benefits with opportunities to advance and learning alongside acco...

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