Accounting, Legal & ASPs

Stay ahead of competition and earn the confidence to comply with even the most complex cases

Organisations we assist in the Legal, Accounting and Fiduciary sectors

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Accounting & Audit Firms​
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Legal Firms​
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Fiduciary / Administrative Firms
ispiral accounting

How we can help you comply

Due to the complex nature of your firm, AML and KYC tasks can be a real challenge. We understand the criticality of identifying financial crime such as money laundering and fraud, and for that reason we have developed RegTek+ Risk Assessment for medium to large firms, and the Velos Software Platform, comprehensive modularised software which offers solutions in Corporate Administration, KYC/AML, Time Management, Billing, Immigration, GDPR, etc, for SME firms.

Complete client profile

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ispiral accounting

Screen, monitor and comply

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cryptocurrency transaction monitoring guide

Client Story - RSM

Learn more on how we help firms in your industry.

What our clients think of us

“We have been cooperating with iSPIRAL for many years. We are using Velos solution, a powerful tool for our business, and the support we are receiving has been excellent since day one.”

Nicolas Agathocleous, Board Member