Earlier this week, our company’s HR Manager Mara Perikleous and two valuable members of our Developing team, Panayiotis Alexandrou, Technical Team Lead, and Myriam Rodrigues, Software Developer, who are both graduates of UCLan Cyprus, had the opportunity to make a very interesting presentation to the BSc Computing students of UCLan Cyprus. They got to share their insights, talk about the company and the exciting journey of transitioning from student to employee.
We would like to express our appreciation to UCLan Cyprus for the great collaboration we’ve had through the years and for allowing us to join their vision to enrich their students’ worldviews and prepare them for their future in employment. Special thanks to Nearchos Paspallis and Andriani Piki for the arrangement of this presentation and their hospitality.
We, at iSPIRAL, are constantly looking for ways to transfer our knowledge and experiences to young people, who are passionate and ready to enter the world of technology.