The advent of social media and websites has drastically changed the way that industries and consumers operate. Lawyers, and law firms can boost their professional image and effectiveness by carefully crafting and maintaining their websites and social media profiles.
As a lawyer your web presence is vital to your career.
According to the YouTube video, So…How to Market Your Law Firm, the majority (76%) of your potential clients search for law firms and lawyers online. Smart phones, tablets, and computers make it easier than ever for individuals that need a lawyer to look through Twitter, Facebook, or a search engine to find the right lawyer for them. Remember the internet is an interactive environment that allows lawyers and law firms to interact. Don’t neglect your online presence.
As valuable as internet marketing can be for you and your law firm, you should carefully cultivate and control your social media presence. An unthinking lawyer or law firm can make social media mistakes that can turn your internet and social media endeavors into a fiasco. Here are some tips to ensure that you don’t drive away clients with your social media accounts and internet presence:
- Don’t break confidentiality. Client-lawyer confidentiality is vital to your company because it could potentially lead to lawsuits and a bad reputation. It can be easy for an inexperienced tweeter to let information slip.
- Interact with your followers. Don’t talk at them; talk to them. Ask and answer questions. These are people you want to represent. Try to build a rapport.
- Provide quality knowledge. Yes, you are trying to drive in clientele to your website, but you need to go beyond. Potential clients will be more apt to remember and trust you if you offer free advice on your twitter feed or blog.
- Be fresh. Whether you are dealing with social media, your firms website,or a personal blog, you should regularly post new content. Fresh content will make your website and Twitter page seem current, dependable, and knowledgeable. Google ranks sites based on in part on whether or not they are current. If you want to get on the first page of the search engine, you should regularly update your site.
Start carefully monitoring your internet presence now. Watch what you say and post.
Lawyers and law firms can boost their professional image and effectiveness by carefully crafting and maintaining their social media profiles. You might be able to get by with old school web tactics, but it might not be enough. By utilizing web tactics, the professional career of law firms and lawyers can flourish. Creating the right social media presence can be tricky, but once you have you won’t regret it.