It is complicated, costly and time-consuming, but sometimes it is inevitable that you have to end your relationship with your software provider. These are a few red flags that signal that it is time to do so:
- Vendor fails to support the products that it sells
It is important for your vendor to provide efficient support promptly and without any disruptions on your everyday running of your organization. It is imperative for your vendor through its systems to help your organization move forward and not backwards, and therefore should support you immediately when a problem arises. Examine carefully whether the vendor is delivering the results it has promised and if they are failing with their deliverables then this should be one of the key reasons of terminating your agreement with your software merchant.
- Vendor is unresponsive to your needs / long time for support
When you have an issue with your system, it needs to be solved immediately and if not then your whole organisation can stay idle until it is solved. Since, a system is only as good as the support behind it, it is important for your organisation to determine whether they are satisfied with the support. If extensive time lags exist in solving an issue that delays business with your clients then it is time to consider in changing your software vendor.
- They can not deliver what they promised
Communication between the two parties is key and if a software fails to meet the expectations and promises made at the time of purchase the buyer should express their disappointment. If software vendor does nothing to implement the requirements made then it is only normal to loose trust in them and decide to end your relationship.
- Your vendor is not innovative
A trustworthy vendor is receptive to new and innovative ideas and also to any complaints you may have in order to offer you the efficient and effective system they promised.
- Your vendor makes frequent mistakes
We are all human and everyone makes mistakes. However, there are some mistakes that are more serious than others and as a result may leave your organization in a standstill. For example, if the system does not work accurately, or if the updates of the vendor are causing problems then this may cost your organization a lot more than what it saves. It is important for the merchant to acknowledge the mistakes made and deal with them promptly. However, if vendor cannot fix its own errors immediately, then changing your vendor may be the right thing to do!
- Your vendor has been acquired from an international company
After any merge or acquisition many problems arise. Employee retention problems, cultural changes, communication challenges. Therefore, if you are worried that the vendor will not offer the same level of support then it is time to change your vendor.
- Sneaky price increases
If vendor yearly lease fees and support is overpriced and even charges extra for updates or maintenance they provide, then this is a bad sign. Therefore, research and compare the yearly support offered by other software vendors and take the time to ask its clientele for feedback. If there is a great difference in the pricing, then your vendor may be deemed as untrustworthy.